Wednesday Night #1507

John Jonas, having had a very successful cataract operation, is back with Holly to offer his usual clear-eyed analysis of world events.  And Judith Patterson (much quoted by Peggy Curran in today’s Gazette) may be glad to have us turn to the subject of last week’s news on the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline

Although we never lack for topics, it appears that our cup runneth over with news on a number of disparate topics, ranging from:
The overthrow of the Tunisian government and possible repercussions in the Arab world Tunisia riots offer warning to Arab govts  – and in an all-roads-lead-to Westmount development ‘Stop protesting outside my house’ ;
The return to Haiti of Baby Doc A Former Dictator Reappears in Haiti  [Update: Duvalier faces corruption, other charges ;
The visit of Hu Jintao to Washington this week; there’s lots on the menu and not just for the official dinners, but does anyone expect any concrete outcomes? ;
WikiLeaks revelations about Julius Baer’s shady clients (Banky-Panky?) – Reuters  now reports that we will have to wait for a while – ;
Continuing ravages by natural disasters in Australia, Brazil , Sri Lanka  and other parts of the world ;
The prevalence of snow in places it is not supposed to be, notably in the southern U.S. ;
Steve Jobs’ handover – for the third time – of his functions, but not the CEO title
George Archer forwards another technology item, and perhaps of greater import A Walled Wide Web for Nervous Autocrats
Speaking of CEOs, how many have watched the Peter Mansbridge interview with Stephen Harper – has it really been 5 years? [Update: Harper: ’50/50′ chance of 2011 election] L. Ian had some perceptive comments today regarding the Harper government as transactional rather than transformational. It’s the lack-of-vision thing. Unfortunately, not yet posted by CBC.
Mr. Flaherty’s tightening of the mortgage rules ;
to local news bound to rouse ire and debate, there’s the ongoing saga of events at Concordia —  and we could go on, but will close with a final entertaining item.
For those who have been following the great debate about Tiger mother Amy Chua’s book (and if you haven’t, you should), David Brooks’ slightly tongue-in-cheek (or is it?) column Amy Chua Is a Wimp is a must-read.
Doubtless by Wednesday evening, there will be more fuel for the conversational fire, so please watch our websites – and its sibling

One Comment on "Wednesday Night #1507"

  1. Diana Thébaud Nicholson January 19, 2011 at 10:58 am ·

    As to the “transactional” character of Harper’s régime, I think one has to be careful about that. He is proceeding transactionally, thanks to the realities of a minority government. But there is little doubt that after his 5 years in office, Canada is becoming an isolated, mean-spirited international wallflower, a grumpy sort of corner gas station. Nothing could be further from Canada’s actual character, but that is a transformation of Canada’s profile, the results of an ideologically driven, narrow-minded and provincial government facing a flaccid opposition afraid to offer a clear alternative.

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