Jacques Clément OWN R.I.P.

See also Wednesday-Night.com for photos: “We miss Jacques Clément” [slide show]
and for much more on Jacques at Wednesday Night including numerous video clips



30 June 2012

Dear Wednesday Nighters,
It is with heavy hearts that we convey the news from Guy Stanley and Yvette that Jacques Clément has joined Carl, Comrade Harry, Eric McConachie, Knut Hammarskjold, Germaine Gibara, Jamie Tiller, Jean Bourbonnais, Lady Hamilton and Madame la présidente (aka Marie Hélène Sarazin) at the Wednesday Night In The Sky. In such enjoyable company they will surely have solved all of the world’s economic and social problems long before the earthlings do so. And maybe, just maybe, Jamie can teach Jacques how to use email so that he can report on the outcomes.
Although Jacques has been ill and absent from Wednesday Nights for nearly five years, we will all remember his contributions in the guise of meticulously researched and delivered Reports on the Economy. Jacques delighted in preparing and delivering those reports to his friends, albeit somewhat disgruntled when required to limit himself to seven minutes. And even more so when the content of the basket of food, the basis of inflation estimates, was questioned.
He was so proud of his OWN and he did the fellowship honor.
We loved him dearly. He and Diana had known each other since they were teenagers in Murray Bay where he often came to visit his good friend Charlie Donahue to play golf. He was a dear, engaging and generous friend.
We have no details at this time, but will forward them as soon as they are available.
Diana and David

7 July
CLÉMENT, Jacques
1936 – 2012
In Montréal, on June 29, 2012, passed away Mr. Jacques Clément, at the age of 76 years. He was the son of the late Henri Clément and the late Mathilde Dupont. He leaves to mourn his brothers Pierre (Josette Thibault) and Jean (Francyne Trottier); his nephews, Louis (Katherine Gervais) and their children, Jules and Nicolas; Philippe (Joanne Tousignant) and their children, Antoine and François; Nicolas McClish; his nieces, Paule Clément (Benoit Quintin) and their two daughters, Mathilde and Alice and also Suzanne Clément. he also leaves to mourn many friends particularly, Lise Robert, Michel Lagacé, Françoise Lemieux, Christa Chatfield and many other comrades in the field of finance. Jacques spent his entire career with the Bank of Canada. The Ceremony will take place on Friday, July 13, 2012 at 1:00, at Centre Funéraire Côte-des-Neiges, 4525, ch. de la Côte-des-Neiges, Montréal, Québec, H3V 1E7, www.dignitéquebec.com. The Family will receive condolences at the funeral home, in presence of the ashes starting at 11:00 a.m. A short celebration will take place at the same location at 1:00 p.m. Burial of the ashes will be held at a later date at the Sillery Cemetery (Québec), in the presence of the immediate family. The family would like to thank the personnel of the Centre Champlain of Verdun for their dedication and care given. Any expression of sympathy may result in a donation to the Fondation Champlain et Manoir de Verdun or to the Charity of your choice.
Guest Book

11 July

CLÉMENT, Jacques 1936 – 2012 À Montréal, le 29 juin 2012, est décédé M. Jacques Clément, à l’âge de 76 ans. Il était le fils de feu Henri Clément et de feu Mathilde Dupont. Il laisse dans le deuil ses frères Pierre (Josette Thibault) et Jean (Francyne Trottier); ses neveux, Louis (Katherine Gervais) et leurs deux enfants, Jules et Nicolas; Philippe (Joanne Tousignant) et leurs deux enfants, Antoine et François; Nicolas McClish; ses nièces, Paule Clément (Benoit Quintin) et leurs deux filles, Mathilde et Alice ainsi que Suzanne Clément. Il laisse aussi dans le deuil de nombreux amis(es) dont en particulier, Lise Robert, Michel Lagacé, Françoise Lemieux, Christa Chatfield et de nombreux autres camarades du domaine de la finance. Jacques a passé l’ensemble de sa carrière au service de la Banque du Canada. La cérémonie aura lieu le vendredi 13 juillet 2012 à 13 h au Centre Funéraire Côte-des-Neiges 4525, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges Montréal, Québec H3V 1E7. La famille recevra les condoléances au dit Centre funéraire, en présence des cendres à partir de 11 h. Une courte célébration de la Parole aura lieu au même endroit vers 13 h. L’inhumation des cendres aura lieu à une date ultérieure, au cimetière de Sillery (Québec), en présence de la famille immédiate. La famille désire remercier tout le personnel du Centre Champlain de Verdun pour leur grand dévouement et les bons soins prodigués. Toute marque de sympathie peut se traduire par un don à la Fondation Champlain et Manoir de Verdun ou à la fondation de votre choix.

Imprimé à partir du site web Nécrologie de Cyberpresse

15 Comments on "Jacques Clément OWN R.I.P."

  1. Peter F. Trent June 30, 2012 at 10:14 pm ·

    Jacques was a one-off. Jacques was precise , but not pedantic; Jacques reported to Wednesday Night without varnish; Jacques came prepared and savoured the taste of each assembled fact as it issued from his mouth; Jacques had a delivery that was staccato, working from a little sheet of paper covered with his crabbed handwriting.
    Jacques always arrived in a soft, clean sweater that declared he was retired, but still cared.
    I shall miss Jacques.

  2. Herb June 30, 2012 at 10:44 pm ·

    Very sad news, indeed. I still do not understand why his whereabouts during his final years were kept secret and feel somewhat guilty about my inability to comfort him when he needed us after his unstinting contribution to us over the years. Herb

  3. Marie July 1, 2012 at 12:22 pm ·

    Qu’elle triste nouvelle. Je ne peux qu’espérer que dans ses derniers moments, il ait connu l’apaisement et une certaine sérénité.
    Je garderai un souvenir ému de cet homme intelligent et très sensible qui aura toujours eu une grande générosité pour ceux et celles qu’il a aimés et le désir de contribuer, par ses connaissances, à améliorer la société dans laquelle nous vivons.

  4. Stephen Kinsman July 1, 2012 at 9:00 pm ·

    I remember Jacques well and fondly, together with his superbly meticulous reports.
    He will, indeed, be missed.
    Stephen Kinsman

  5. Susanna Eyton-Jones July 1, 2012 at 11:42 pm ·

    David and Diana,
    I am indeed saddened to hear this. Jacques was always charming in his way- and always had a twinkle in his eye and a smile for me.
    I send you both a big hug–and a sigh…
    Susanna xx

  6. Ron Meisels July 3, 2012 at 10:12 am ·

    Those of you who knew Jacques will understand what follows.

    Basically, Jacques was a man of multiple knowledge, which he, basically, delivered on most WNs.
    He had, basically, all the information about the economy, statistics, interest rates, etc. at his fingertips and delivered all the above, basically, most accurately and with pathos.
    One could not help but be impressed, basically, about his knowledge and his willingness to share it with all others.
    I will miss his smile and his delivery.

  7. Lyda July 5, 2012 at 6:39 pm ·

    Jacques que j’aimais beaucoup va nous manquer, il était très dédié à son milieu professionnel et il était un ami attachant et chaleureux. Lyda Letacq

  8. Diana Thebaud Nicholson July 12, 2012 at 8:18 am ·

    From the book of remembrance

    Jacques was pleasant and cordial. I was always impressed by his knowledge.He will be missed.

    John Ciaccia

  9. Anne Sophie July 12, 2012 at 2:41 pm ·

    What a terrible loss…. he was an amazing man, and brought such warmth and humor alongside his incredible intellect. Anne Sophie Coleman-Honn

  10. Margaret Lefebvre July 15, 2012 at 11:55 am ·

    Jacques brought a lovely spirit of curiosity and fun to any gathering.His contribution to our knowledge and interest at Wednesday Nights was inestimable. He gave us the benefit of his vast storehouse of knowledge, compressed into 7 minutes on the topic of the day. We were lucky to know him, he will be remembered with fondness and respect. Margaret Lefebvre

  11. Herb Bercovitz July 15, 2012 at 11:56 am ·

    Jacques was always a gentleman, a great friend who had the capacity to explain complex matters in a simple manner, with both wit and seriousness. He made friends with everyone whom he met. The world was undoubtedly a warmer, friendlier place when Jacques was alive. It is an understatement to say that he will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him.
    Herbert Bercovitz

  12. Antal (Tony) Deutsch July 15, 2012 at 11:57 am ·

    Farewell,respected friend and fellow economist!

  13. Roslyn Takeishi July 15, 2012 at 11:59 am ·

    Firstly, a gentleman, in the absolute sense of the word. Bright, pleasant, soft spoken, peaceful dreams.
    Roslyn Takeishi

  14. Marisol August 7, 2012 at 9:16 am ·

    Monsieur clement a ete un patient qui aura marquer ma vie a tout jamais , un homme aimable que jai beaucoup apprecie , beaucoup de fou rire passe a ces cote da

  15. Marisol August 7, 2012 at 9:18 am ·

    Au centre dheb champlain! Certaine personne nous marque et cela a ete le cas de cet homme admirable ! Reposez vous ! Et merci pour votre gentilesse!

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